“Children are likely to live up to what you believe of them.”
Our endeavour is to grow and develop their real potential by believing in them and giving them every chance to blossom. We work on holistic development and wide range of curricular & extracurricular activities providing a natural environment for development that play a vital role in their physical, social, emotional, intellectual, spiritual & cultural success.
How we track each child’s progress and development towards early learning goals: Each child works closely with a ‘special person’ called a ‘key practitioner.’ The key practitioner works with a small group of children in their base room with whom they share a close, natural bond. Each practitioner will plan activities and learning experiences with the parameters of the early years and CBSE core structure according to what each child’s interest is. Effective information sharing, and observations made by parents or carers at home are a very important element of each child’s learning journey. The Nischal Roots offers monthly PTM session for families to learn how the child is developing and the school curriculum is implemented at the Nischal Roots and how their input can positively affect their child’s development and progress. Observations, photographs and examples of each child’s achievements are compiled by home, so the learning journeys are an effective record of sharing information between home and Nischal Roots as well as key sources of information during each child’s important transition to school.